بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


In the Name of God , Most Gracious, Most merciful


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatu 

To everyone around the world

May there  peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you  all People of planet Earth.


Invitation is extended to everyone on the planet those who have definitely seen the blessing and mercy of Islam through the ttrue teaching of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Prophet Muhammad was a true prophet and his message is pure and could never be corrupted those who work night and day to try to corrupt his message and display different Islam that he brought are doomed to fail because this prophet Muhammad peace be upon him brought no evil of any kind he came to communities that were divided filled with hate and ranker and he purified them through heavenly process called zakia.

This is a prayer that was fulfilled for our father Ibrahim who stood at the mountains when he left his family at a place where there were no trees. Our father Ibrahim was being tested and he had to leave our mother Hijr-Ismail.

Anyway this place will end up being called maca well I will skip all the historical details because this open letter is truly addressed to Muslims and they know all the verses and they know all the stories but we are living at a age where the ignorant dominate even the scholars with the power of YouTube and technology the most ignorant imbecile has overwhelmed the most eloquent and beautiful inherites of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who are trying to present the real Islam but they are constantly at war with themselves and they are either working with the devil or with that lower self to display Islam in a way that project the deepest darkest desires which is not the true Islam.

So this is a call to restore that message of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and this will be restored through the circle of knowledge that he transmitted light through his heart a heart that was so pure that angel Gabriel descended with other angels to cut the chest have a blessed prophet Muhammad needs to be upon him heart when he was just a boy  and remove a dark cloak that is said that the devil uses to whisper at human beings.

So I begin on this journey of telling people to be in the circle or not to be in the circle.

To be in the circle of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him where he illuminated his followers who choose to be in his circle out of love and out of Love they were purified and beautified and they were able to pursue perfection which is  IHSAN.

Ihsan (Arabic: إحسان ʾiḥsān, also romanized ehsan), is an Arabic term meaning “beautification”, “perfection” or “excellence

If you’re not looking for excellence then you should stop reading because the circle of the prohet Muhammad peace be upon him is we a word stop and experiencing this light begins the light of faith the illumination and the removal of darkness and the connection between the servant and the owner of the universe is made.

The circle of the prophet is blessed and will never be compromised by the one outside the circle waiting for people to get angry or two stop pursuing excellence in worshiping Allah through the teachings and the circles of the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

So to be in the circle or not to be we are illumination and confirmation that come with its own miracle just like when you go to a beautiful restaurant and they give you a big menu all the food and the prices and you notice even the prices are really good and the food is very organic you can choose to go to a restaurant like that and eat healthy food unfortunately we know that the price is not going to be the same if you go to a circle where the fast food is served people are underpaid they’re even depressed.

So there is some work to be done to make sure that you have arrived at your destination the teachings and the teacher are truly connected to the circle of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for his circle will never be broken or compromised by the devil.

Unfortunately human beings are the only people who can pretend to have this circle after all Islam is nothing but a makeup in this world all you have to do is grow your beard where a big turban and watch those who are guided and their practices of the circle and you can open your own circle with the same ritual how can the new person or the layman ever know the difference that is the amazing story of the Turkish lodges and an amazing Netflix series that I definitely want to check out.

Watch “Yunus Emre Special Trailer” on YouTube

If you want to know about the circle on those who pretend to be in the circle even though they’re in the circle of their life and they have a company teachers and they have witness great things they always go out and argue and go against their teacher and risk his honor and destroy his efforts in keeping them in the circle they do whatever they want I ask a lot to forgive them and bring them back to the circle.

To be or not to be in the circle my teacher loves to say all you have to do is go straight and make a right and join the circle but you have to make sure you’re in the right circle you’re not with those who are wearing the makeup and they meet their own circles because don’t blame me I want you some people will abuse you and they will lie to you because they wear the makeup and they have the circles and if you don’t do your homework and you do not consult Allah the owner of the universe through your night prayers and giving your charity and fulfilling your rights Allah has made obligatory for you so don’t bother looking for the circle because you did not start with Allah you started with people and therefore you failed.

The circle is with the teachers who are connected back to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him if you’re truly looking to be guided and to be in a circle and to have a teacher then you have truly come to the right destination for the circles are about to be illuminated all over the world and the teachers who have been in this circle attacked from every angle by those who wear the makeup of Islam are about to be removed from all circles around the world in the new app and system that I will discuss with you in the end.

One of my blessed teacher said how do you known him you would have found the owner of the universe on the circles of the two teaching of the true prophet Muhammad peace be upon him because the one who was asking should have known the answer because my blessed teacher said the person asked do you know the way to him? Referring to the owner of the universe and he was given that answer.

So the one who’s talking to you walked into a circle looking to just find a one that he loved very much and was sure that it was talking to someone behind him all that time when the circle wasn’t in session unfortunately turned out there was a countless effort to make me realize that it was me it was being addressed in the circle and all of a sudden I found the past in the future colliding right in front of me witnessing one miracle after another until I left my doubts and I was sure I was in a circle that was connected back to the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Unfortunately the events that took place is classified and classified information is never disclosed to the layman but all I can say is that I left that circle knowing for sure that in the circle of the Blessed people it is a place where words stop and experiencing begins and when you experience the truth your questions and doubts go away and you no you are with the ones who are connected..

Anyway when I left the circle I remember looking at my friend and he asked me so you have found your teacher and your circle what are you going to do next?

He had no idea I have watched so many documentaries I was always trying to change the world and all my secrets what is played for me in the circle and now I had no option but to begin and fire on all cylinders and work for the owner of the year and I knew I was going to fail or whatever but it didn’t matter all my experience now was going to come together all my efforts and I was going to come together and I was actually going to work for the circle unfortunately the circular has a lot of standards and those standards have to be met doesn’t matter how good your ideas are and what your journey is but I can tell you this I was giving a final message God is with you are you with him?

That answer prove me crazy every time I would come to an obstacle I would be given the same answer God is with you are you with him? Until I just remain silent and just went about my day and stuff asking questions.

Well now we’re here almost at the end of my journey with the blessing of the circle and the teachers who have their classified information I’m not allowed to disclose because it is something that you’re supposed to experience it is a gift of Allah from the owner of the University you so anybody who engages in discussion of the secrets of the circle they’re only unwrapping gifts that belong to that specific individual who should be joining the circle which is unfair the best secrets or gifts are those that are left and wrapped and people discover them as they go along.

The men and women of the circles have been given tools to confirm an authenticate that they are connected and they will show you their signs and you will be satisfied because your soul is connected to the heaven every night when you sleep your soul escapes and the rooms around the universe and comes back with the will of Allah some never come back they’re not giving permission and they proceed straight to death but majority of them always come back so you have a soul and if you really have gone through the house of wisdom and you have looked for the Islamic psychology they give you a breakdown of this complex information so if you really going through this website you should have some knowledge about the soul and all of this how it works because I am at the beginning of my journey and I am not allowed to disclose anything because all of it is a grab gift for those who own the journey and I don’t want to touch that gift.

So let’s begin this journey of the circle of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and you really would not be looking for the circle if you had any respect for yourself for the teachers are here and the knowledge is here but like I said the imbeciles and technology work together with people who have put on the makeup of Islam and I hope you finish that Netflix movie because I’m telling you you going to be encountering the same people and problems the journey is going to be filled with tests so that movie I totally recommend that this is where I stop and I hand it over to the guys of our time.

There is one man who’s really has authority on Earth and this man is

SHEIKH BABIKIR AHMED BABIKIR who  is a well respected Islamic scholar, teacher and public speaker.

Sheikh Babikir was born in Sudan. He descends in lineage from Sayyiduna al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (رضي الله عنه) through his father and Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (رضي الله عنه) through his mother.

Sheikh Babikir completed his studies of traditional Islamic Sciences under many great Scholars and Sheikhs of Africa and the Middle East. He studied, through authentic chains of transmission, the sciences of Tafsir (exegesis), Aqida (theology), Hadith (prophetic tradition), Seerah (the life and way the Prophet ﷺ), Maliki Fiqh (jurisprudence), Ta’wil-ahadith (dream interpretation) and Tasawwuf (sufism). As a young man, he was initiated into the Sammaniya tariqa (sufi order) and later, he was granted the most honourable Ijaza (authorisation) of becoming a spiritual guide by the grand-sage Sheikh al-Fatih Qaribullah (رحمه الله). He went on to receive Ijazas from other spiritual luminaries such as Sheikh Salih al-Jaʿfari (رحمه الله), Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani (رحمه الله) and Sheikh Muhammad ibn `Alawi al-Maliki (رحمه الله). A sign of his rare prestige is the Ijaza he has received from many renowned scholars in Dalial al-Khayrat, a book of Remembrance of Blessings upon the Chosen Prophet ﷺ

This could be the last generation that can be trusted before artificial intelligence is turned on like a switch light and it’s everywhere. If misinformation and deception was a problem it was a problem that could be mitigated by other humans but as we enter this world of artificial intelligence taking over the capacity for destruction is beyond imagination meaning anything that’s posted on the internet cannot be trusted fortunately what I am saying can be trusted because it’s being written before artificial intelligence is a common place.

Please visit Sheikh Babikir’s website that was not created by artificial intelligence but by humans.


Part of the problem we have in Islam is not understanding who the prophet Muhammad was many people just say he was just a man who delivered a message and some people even got lower than that they don’t understand the rank that this prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that he was already a prophet while Adam was between clay and water.

His rank cannot be understood without his biography even Muslims don’t know the rank of the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

We’re grateful to have the YouTube channel of our blessed teacher to put this into perspective because if you don’t know the rank of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him you will never respect him and you will never understand the message of Islam because he’s around his beyond the imagination of most people and the only way most people can understand this especially Muslim is to be reintroduced to his biography and I really ask Muslims who are confused or don’t understand who the prophet is to listen to this biography of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Here is the first episode which I thoroughly recommend because I have listened to it and it has given me a new meaning and respect for the prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him if you’re a Muslim this is a must listen out of love and respect to the messenger of Allah.

You can Watch “Seerah (سيرة) : The Life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎” on YouTube the link is provided below.

Seerah (سيرة) : The Life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeaJgEkr_peW9O8diUoVP4sZ7MVKbrvp4 

Now that we are acquainted with the rank of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him we understand that his circles of knowledge and those who chose to join him got illuminated through this heart of his that was emanating light that knowledge and blessing continuously descended he was the transformer he was able to receive all this power and give it to humans at a voltage where they can make use of it just like our power lines is the best way to explain what I’m about to tell you.

In the circles of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him there were people who were transformed they were able to carry this message and light and those who sat in their circles were able to be transformed and continue this message and this transformation because first you have to embody it and a company a teacher and only then can you be part of the circles and the teachers who continue this message with the illuminated hearts and minds.

I want to make it very clear I’m just a student and my Lord has blessed me to be in the circles to watch the men and women who are blessed to have accompanied teachers and to learn this knowledge and play that pivotal role of illumination through association which is something I am on a journey doing so the one who’s writing this is truly not illuminated but a student who Allah has given the opportunity or advantage point to sit and watch everything so this is my report.

As time went on those who are illuminated their numbers began to go down and their circles slowly while being taken over by ignorant and egotistical individuals who want all the glory but they’re nothing but an empty pot they contain nothing but drywood and they offer nothing but misguidance.

Fortunately the owner of the universe Allah has promised his prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that he will never be cut off and through his prayers and blessing the religion of Islam has received an electrical recharge or revival through the descendants of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and every time there is some kind of danger ahead or there’s some kind of confusion happening a clarification that is full of light and absolute power all of a sudden appears and the authorities and questioned and all eyes are witnessing the truth and all argument is silence and everyone turns into the right direction because they know the truth is now descended and all that needs to happen now is instructions are going to be issued either people will follow them or not follow them but there will be no arguments of any kind because those who argue will be dealt with.

The saints of Islam are well known and they all come from the blessed family of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon them through our time sages come and I can tell you my blessed teachers among them because just being around here or working on problems and ideas that is connected to him makes my creativity explode into a different planets so to speak because the results are just hard to argue with for the person who’s never delivered anything all of a sudden is initiating to a circle and now you are here on this journey with me it’s begins to conclude.

So let me introduce my teacher the 34 grandson of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Watch “The 34th Grandson of Prophet Muhammad (saw)  | Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi” on YouTube

To be initiated in the circle and to have a guide can unlock spiritual gifts that can take you to a level where all you want to be is the shoe keeper of your blessed teacher that is all I will ever be known as the shoe keeper of The 34th Grandson of Prophet Muhammad (saw)  | Shaykh Muhammad Al yaqoubi hafidhahullah.

I have to confess as an American all I was worried about is just paying my bills and hoping the next day or next week I can just survive in this country because the challenges that isn’t the United States for regular people without Islam by their side is absolutely like being in the slave markets where you’re owned by Masters called bills in this country either they pay them or you lose everything as a matter of fact my rent has been increased and I’ve been issued a letter telling me that I need to vacate the apartment because I can’t afford it but this time around I am just laughing and this notice is will become effective June 1st I think I have to get out but I am no longer slave of bills or worries I’m a free man doesn’t matter what happens to me I am pleased with Allah and destiny especially after meeting a teacher and being in the circles of knowledge a different stages for different teachers it has truly helped me to become free again this is what I wish for most people around the world.

So I hear by declare your freedom from worry or problems that you are facing because I am the one who will turn the everyone in a different direction telling them you need a teacher you need to be in a path all your problems will not be so difficult once you enter a circle that is connected to the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so your heart can be illuminated and you can witness blessings and miracles that is designed just for you some people don’t need too much but they need something to strengthen their faith and this is what bless people are capable of and this is why now I turn to the invitation to every Muslim all over the world and to non-muslim especially non-muslims because they’re the ones who really understand the magnitude of what I’m saying.

I will start off with Muslims as a source of blessing but I have to be honest for majority of them I don’t have much hopes because the engage in arguments and they pretend a lot is not see how are arrogant  and don’t see among anyone who are humble the signs of Allah will be turned away from them it’s very unfortunate for the arrogant will be turned away from the circles if you arrogant just give up you will never find the right circle.

Why is there so much confusion in our time about Islam between muslims?

The answer is simple argumentation or as they like to call them in philosophy  the premises, intended to determine the degree of truth of another statement, the conclusion.

We have ignorant people using tools from the books of philosophy hiding their dark hearts and doing their best to mislead people from the circles of knowledge of illumination  because they have sold themselves for oil or any other money out there and they determine to take their positions on this world and become a tyrant against the truth unfortunately history repeats itself people are giving a choice you can either be with the truth or falsehood and depending on the choice they make I choose to respect them and say nothing more.

The truth will not be overwhelmed there fault and there  lies and those who choose philosophy and argument and misinformation because of their own experience through this journey not understanding that the message of Islam is pure and beautiful and you are the dark desires and the customs of how you dressed as an Arab have nothing to do with Islam and you should separate your customs from the religion and stop presenting this religion as a religion of the Arabs only for it went to the men of Persia and it kept on going to Allah wanted to go and now it’s been pointed to the true heirs which is the family of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon them.

It is true that lineage of the prophet Muhammad is very big and diverse but I am like a surgeon I’m only concerned with the five and even with the five have standard upon standard filtration upon filtration until it’s purity is acknowledged by everyone so anybody who thinks that we can survive the filtration system that’s been set up you are wrong you will not come through the gates.

When it comes to the prophet’s family we’re building the library of AI and we have already put this video prominently on our side but since links are shared between people we need to be Crystal clear who we’re talking about when we say that prophet’s family.

Watch “Library of AI Video of the prophet Muhammad Family Rasool AllahSallallahu alaihi wasallam  AI Video1” on YouTube

We’re building a library for artificial intelligence to point out the prophet  Muhammad it’s be upon him and his family  and to point as his family and when we point of those family members you will see that they embody the message meaning you can look at their Twitter accounts you can look at the actions you can look at the sacrifice they are champions of the truth they are distinguished in their time respect and all their fields not only are they doctors or architects or great scholars but there are people I could point to and everybody on the street would agree with me this people represent the prophet Muhammad and they truly embody the message and I have been put into this circles as my Lord has taken me through the different stages of my journey.

So I will end the confusion who is a member of the household of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him because I will stand outside the house and I will guard this house and no one shall enter it unless they have exemplified the excellence and sacrifice the teachings of the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and them on themselves and it’s on display for the world.

You know I had this dream since it’s the month of Ramadan I cannot lie my fast will be broken but according to SHEIKH BABIKIR AHMED BABIKIR he says you see according to your level so I couldn’t see any face or anything but I was permitted to stand in front of the house I greeted my blessed prophet peace be upon him and I greeted Fatima Zara obviously I couldn’t see anything because of my love but I remember mentioning this to my teacher and Guide  Shaykh Faisal Abdur-Razak  

Shaykh Faisal is the

President – Islamic Forum of Canada

And holds the title Murshid – The Shadhili Tariqah

For more information of the person who’s teaching gave me the opportunity to dream about the Blessed prophet Muhammad is be upon him you can check out his website.


If you want to have a good dream of the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family the man is always broadcasting everyday subscribe to this channel if you want to have a good dreams I know all the good I have lately has been coming from him.

So subscribe and let’s get back to this dream because of this best teacher.


Anyway so what I did remember Crystal clear is that I requested permission to guard the messenger of Allah and I was given this permission to stand is outside the door as a security guard even though the messenger of Allah does not need any guarding I was proud to stand in front of the house to guard this house that was my intention look for threats and suspicious people all over the place and I was really happy my blessed prophet let me do this because what can I really bring to this blessed prophet other than just my security background as a correctional officer.

So it was very blessed I only share this with you because I hope to build a house for them in the United States and I expect to protect our house and all the systems of filtration that will be put on those who are blessed to even be allowed into the city because they really have to exemplify the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him they have to be champions of the truth I mean everybody on the street should be able to point at them and say yes that wasn’t truly exemplifies the prophet Muhammad and they deserve to live in the city that is going to be built which is a good time to announce I have some nfts that I’m selling so I will be going around to Great Muslim leaders asking them for hundreds and millions of dollars if they don’t buy it then you know what we’re going to square off on judgment Day inshallah.

So this is an invitation to the path of the circle this is what it’s about now why has there been so much confusion about the path and the circle that is connected all the way to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in my opinion it is the last hundred years has been very devastating from the advance of technology to the fall of the caliphate and to Independent Arabic states that was set up who have their own interest now and even the interest is not align with Islam as a religion in the way it was brought by prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his message so some of them there are temporary vacuum or a black hole from space sucking the life out of Muslims everywhere this is my simple explanation.

This is not about politics but no doubt there’s a plan for politics starting with the United States under the US House plan but we get to that at a different time there is a space I’ve ordered my work  bee’s 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 to put on this side called updates so you will be finding a lot of updates that’s ongoing with different projects I do apologize to those people in the House of wisdom that I’ve come to the house of wisdom they are waiting for the next blog to come and they are writing good comments but I just ignore them all so may God forgive me I ask for your forgiveness hopefully people will be assigned to the site and you will be treated with the respect you deserve I was just busy.

Anyway back to the circle we are only connected to the prophet Muhammad peace be appointed through the circles of knowledge and those people who sat on us circles and learned and were illuminated with the light of faith and they were given miracles beyond imagination and they went on to change the world with the teachings creating new students new circles and now all those circles are coming back to be redistributed again in my hands and what I mean by that I hope to be like Google so all the difficult questions to answered all teachers around the world circles are beautifully lined up just like Wikipedia does with information I hope to do that.

So I’m going to begin to do that so people especially the Muslims pay attention.

When it comes to those who are converts to Islam on this planet right now and if I had to point at one person and say that person represents the message of Allah in his character or in his manners or in his ability to not be quick with anger and be hospitable it would be one English man and that English man is none other than Timothy John Winter.

Is also known by Islamic name Abdal Hakim Murad which by the way people don’t need to change if it’s beautiful

Anyways the following is from Wikipedia which I hope to replace.

Abdal Hakim Murad (born: Timothy John Winter; 15 May 1960), is an English academic, theologian and Islamic scholar[5][6] who is a leading proponent of Islamic neo-traditionalism. His work includes publications on Islamic theology, modernity, and Anglo-Muslim relations,[7][8] and he has translated several Islamic texts.

Message to Dr winter I would love for you to help me build the Wikipedia of Muslims so artificial intelligence can have your biography your journey everything about you who you are what you do would be appreciated because if you just to be busy now before artificial intelligence comes and we cannot have one data anywhere that’s not being held at the hands of Muslims simply because we don’t share the same values because their values is always involving there’s always something new marriage is out and then now something else is in. So our values are timeless when it comes to marriage or being truthful or the gender of a man or a woman which we cannot be wavering so I hope to build this with you please get back with us so we can begin this journey.

I got more information from Wikipedia for those who want information without leaving the site.

He is the Founder and Dean of the Cambridge Muslim College,[9] Aziz Foundation Professor of Islamic Studies at both Cambridge Muslim College and Ebrahim College,[10] Director of Studies (Theology and Religious Studies) at Wolfson College[11][12] and the Shaykh Zayed Lecturer of Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Divinity at University of Cambridge.[


Watch “Nature & Anxiety – Abdal Hakim Murad: Friday Sermon” on YouTube

If prophet Muhammad the peace be upon him and his family would bring me into his presence right now and he would ask me who resembles me in my character among those who are converts I would say Abdal Hakim Murad oh messager God and I would go on to give my explanation which is anger usually does not overtake him and he’s very hospitable kind and patient person reminding me of you because no one could match you in your patience and hospitality and in this simple English man he truly reflects this so messenger of Allah peace is upon you.

Now let’s be clear no one can represent the messenger of Allah because he is the messenger of Allah the messenger of Allah is like a cloud full of rain coming to Earth and that rain has a drop and each drop is separated we have drops of knowledge, we have drops of good character come we have drops of smiling come which I hope I will out smile everybody we have wisdom drops we have mercy drops, we have drops of light come we have drops of so many levels of human characteristic that perfection itself would confess to the greatness of the messenger of Allah.

This is why I say no one person can represent the messenger of Allah so Abdal Hakim Murad: he has one drop and maybe other drops as well in his character that reminds me of the messenger of Allah please be upon him and his family.

Everyone gets a drop for he was the one who was sent to perfect character anybody who’s struggling and trying to perfect their character then they’re getting drops as they go along until they become perfect some people they go out into the rain and they get soaked but they forget that it’s raining everywhere just because you got soaked doesn’t mean anything the other people who have built upon and they collected the rain and others are ocean getting the rain and they’ve been getting it for millions of years so no one is equal to the messenger of Allah this is a clear example I’m striking for everyone.

But the wisdom of taking on a tough subject and dealing with ignorant people is why I chose him and why I praise him because I’m about to talk about the circle what it is and those people who do not remain silent and do not fear Allah because their intention was always evil and to get in the way of blocking all the light and guidance will without a doubt go around smearing me and all the work and I can promise you I have a book on a list so those who send tweets those who say anything bad people are writing it down starting with the angels and there’s no forgiveness I’m going to deal with you myself because you are engaged in undermining this religion undermining the message of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and displaying your darkest desires and saying this is what Islam is this is what the prophet Muhammad brought so be careful because I’m about to make an argument for the circle or the Tarika through this blessed teacher hopefully you will listen with an open heart and open mind.

I took this video and I took the toughest part and put it in the beginning so that all your questions are answered and it starts very difficult and he gives answers without getting angry and gives a simple explanation so those who have intellect and understand those who have mental problems they will never understand.

So the tough questions that I asked: what is the tarika? Isn’t the tarika an innovation?

He talks about all of that and more and if you have any common sense and you feel Allah you will look at his answers and you will come to the same conclusion if you only admit your ignorant like I am admitting we both will be safe let’s leave Islam to The experts let the ignorant remain silent on matters of Islam.

So this radio host guy really goes into it and asks the questions and this is the questions most Muslims are asking.

Is tarika part of islam? Some people say it is not part of Islam it’s not sunna?

So please watch the video I took in the middle and I put it in the end. I moved it around a little bit but as you watch it the entire video will start over and then you’ll watch everything from beginning to end.

Watch “What is the tarika? is tarika Bidʻah ? when will Allah help come for the muslim Ummah?” on YouTube

I’m going to repeat this one more time to those people who have mental problems or psychological problems or they have suffered a lot of trauma and they wear their makeup of Islam they grow the beard but we all know them they beat their wives everything Americans say about them is totally true they drink alcohol I mean they do whatever they want but still this individuals who are crazy they get to represent my religion and my prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and they say this is Islam and as a Muslim American I pay for this all the time Muslim women get attacked on the street because those people told the world that this way we dress is the dress of all Muslims they don’t have any other choice even their culture has become a form oppression on the religion itself.

So when I say Islam nothing to do with terrorism and evil people that’s because it is these people are not part of the circle of the prophet Muhammad and they have nothing to do with Islam other than makeup and clothing and fashion styles this is why if you have gone to some of the Arab countries I think there’s a movie called sex in the city or something Watch “Sex and the city. Abu Dhabi.” on YouTube you’re fasting, wait until it’s night time to check out the trailer don’t break your fast. I’m not going to leave you the link. But let’s just say there’s a moment where certain things that I use in intercourse start falling in some men start criticizing this individual  I don’t know what it is but there’s a scene in there where the ladies take out there black whatever that they’re wearing that show all

this fashion designs and everything I think you understand us it’s very hypocritical specifically what the Arabs I’ve done to the religion and there’s no dispute among about what   9/11 is I would say a good example and then you have the Palestinian issue as well who are not United in their struggle but I pray for them because they are oppressed people.

Let me play this video again. It’s less than 2 minutes to explain to you what the tarika is because I know that was a long video.

Tarika is a spiritual technology made by the great saints of Islam.

I know you missed this so watch the two minutes video so this can really hit you in the face.

This is less than 2 minutes.

Watch “What Is Tariqa – Abdal Hakim Murad” on YouTube

It’s a psychological medicine.

This is the message to the psychopath the circle that you’re refusing to join is your meds and as a former correctional officer who used to handle crazy people who would threaten to take their lives we would have to strip them give them a green jacket and put them in a medical ward where I would take a chair and watch them some of them would do a lot of nasty things but I would never take my eyes off of them for 8 hours so that they don’t take their own lives.

Unfortunately we live in a world where are those crazy individuals are actually teachers and they produce more psychopaths who go about and do what psychopath people do I watch this television series called dexties my favorite TV show  which give me an insight to this killer let me tell you because as a Muslim I’m not allowed to curse later let alone kill I’m not allowed to bike bite let alone say something that’s someone who’s not present would and be uncomfortable with.

So it’s a shock for me to always see some culture that has nothing to do with Islam that is supported by so-called Muslim government who put psychopath in charge of the schools and those students grow up to be Mass murderers and then as an American I have to pay for this my mom has to be attacked because of her scarf ,my sisters have to be harassed I have to pay the price all day every time I leave my door and deal with discriminations.

I came to the United States in 2000 and I experienced to 9/11 because I was in Kenya when the first bombing happened I was actually playing soccer and I kicked the ball so well and I had an explosion on the ground shook I knew everything was not going to be the same but I didn’t know what it was.

Anyway with a blessing of God I was okay and then I come to the United States pre 911 and I get to see America for what it is and all its people nobody knew what Islam was and nobody cared and we were at peace in this country unfortunately one year later September 11, 2001, 8:46 AM EDT.

The psychopath attacked again they wear the makeup of Islam the students went on to really become mass murderers and now Muslim Americans are on the hook there’s nothing we can do about it but hopefully now I can remedy this problem don’t associate us with psychopath or with governments who are psychopathic in nature who have displayed their appetite for killing and threatening freedom itself just because they wear the makeup of Islam and they have the names of Muslims don’t make them Muslims at all I’m saying this without attacking anyone or pointing fingers at anyone because pointing fingers is for people who are not looking for solutions they’re just looking to continue their problems of the past so I suggest to people in general especially Muslims don’t point fingers don’t start problems  because of this or that it’s a big problem.

Now we’ll begin the conclusion as I repeat some of the same information from the beginning.

The problem I have for the other hand is Muslim scholars who will sit with the people of the circle there will be welcomed and they achieve scholarship in their own right and then they stand up and say we are just going to criticize because we have to be a self-critic and hold yourself to a higher standards and yes they do point a lot of dangerous within the circle of people wearing the makeup of Islam but they are true psychopaths I actually have a movie for this in Turkish. Yunus Emre

Watch “Yunus Emre Special Trailer” on YouTube

Anyway my message to the Muslim scholar who will remain unnamed because if you want to criticize the circle and you’re doing it for good intentions and you’re pointing out the bad people and you’re doing everything beautifully and respectfully and you have the right to do that because you are a a pillar of this religion. And in this time of crisis we need pillars to be people who support the house of Islam not leave their post with good intentions and good words especially if you have knowledge and power over rhetoric  your criticism or explanations as you like to call them actually undermined the circle when the circle was looking for pillars of strength not criticism from its pillars especially if you yourself are a pillar who is not advocate of the circle and you go of your way to point out to confuse students saying your are  not in a circle and you promote that idea.

So if you want the circle to be criticized or for us to hold ourselves to a higher standard let those people who are in the circle lead the way because the circle is not for everybody especially psychopath or  people who are not willing to dedicate themselves in joining the circle and serving this religion it’s only for those who are serious I will give an example to this great American scholar from the household of the prophet Muhammad in regards to this circle.

Watch “Tasawwuf, Tariqa, and Ihsan” on YouTube

Anyway I want to tell this Muslim American scholar that you helped me a lot and the wisdom that  is shared on your video did  help I appreciate your effort of trying to set a higher standard for the sufis in general and I want you to know

 I respect  your position but also I think you understand and respect my position as well thank you for the invite for the dinner but my mom was calling me so I had to leave town I look forward to meeting you and having discussions but I’m going to pray that your actions regardless how wise and wonderful it is it does not go on to be a broken pillar within the circle that brings the ceiling down and that’s the view I always have with people with knowledge despite all their good intentions they’re doing damage and it has to be pointed out to the most beautiful way anyway now I can begin to talk about the circle.

I will begin with a blessed teacher who’s the pillar of the circle but does not force anyone or tell anybody you must join this you must do that no as our blessed teacher Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy who is Syrian-American Islamic scholar said this is for the best those who are willing to dedicate themselves in pursuit of excellence.

Those who are pursuing excellence or Ihsan to reach that high levels should apply the rest don’t even bother applying I am telling you you’re a good where you are you need psychological medicine and you probably in a bad environment that has been not been cultivated or friendly to the circles so my medicine or prescription to all those people especially in the Islamic world they find themselves in a country that the leaders have not cultivated the circle or the teachers all the way back prophet Muhammad peace be upon him taught in his circle because his companions were the champions of the truth and they would sacrifice everything for it.

But the truth is in conflict with the leaders of our time where they want their needs and wants to be prioritized over Allah and his messenger which means they’re going to handpick puppets and put them in Islamic position and control this religion in a way that fits their desires so cultivating the land with a circles of the prophet Muhammad peace be appointed is not in there economic interest because if you want to do whatever you want and Islam is in the way that prioritizes their desires so they don’t mind  undermining scholars this is a tradition that is time  tested and true and it’s ongoing in the Islamic world I can only pray and not point fingers.

So I will begin a filtration system so I don’t send psychopaths to places they will do damage but Allah is the ultimate protector I never attacked anybody or said any bad thing about anyone I’m just making my point in a very beautiful elegant way to other Muslims I’m not labeling any of you so please let’s not do this the problem makers are well known and they are well labeled and the crimes that they have committed from 9/11 to any other evil Acts are publicly known who they are where they’re from what psychopath did they learn from all of that is public knowledge but I’m not even going to mention that.

I am not here to mention names and play the blame game but I’m here to change the game and tell those people who are playing the game to continue playing the game. I’m going to leave you alone. You leave us alone. We let God decide on Judgment Day.

So for those who are interested and you are sincere Muslim I give you this video to just break everything down for you and you should find everything you need within this video.

Watch “Self and Spirituality : What is Sufism? | Lesson 1/5 | Sheikh Babikir” on YouTube

And that’s the end for Muslims in general when it comes to the circles I now turn to the people I have a lot of hopes to in the United States and Europe and everywhere else people who know that there’s a lot of psychopath pretending to be representing The message of Islam but they’re not representing Islam they just have the makeup on and I want those people who are beautiful in their character they are honest decent hard working americans, europeans, Africans come Asians come people of the world who are not Muslim and I’m looking to find teachers and are looking for the Sufi path so you can find enlightenment because you’re willing to pursue excellence and you’ve been pursuing all your life because you are honest and a decent individual who was just looking for the truth well let me show you the circles and the teachers.

Before I show you the circles and the teachers I want you to know that I will be making a list I’m building the app so I will be able to find your location and you can just put the name of the teacher you love and the circle you want to be part of and that will be connected to our algorithm and you will be matched with someone who will help you with your spiritual path.

So right now the following is just for you to understand the circle give you a good example of the circle and the history and the teachers of this circles se connection to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon them is undisputed and they have stood the test of time the first school that I introduced to you is the following to a school that’s been around 250 years. If 250 years of leadership is not good enough for you stop reading this you can head for the exit because I don’t want to be associated with you stop reading this don’t even watch the following video.

Watch “Sheikh Mohamed Prof. Sh. Hassan (Sammaniya Zikir)” on YouTube

Watch “Tariqa Al-Samaneya Gharebiya Hassania” on YouTube

I want you to know if you cannot travel to Sudan you can go the UK where you can really see how the circle can involve and help Western societies in their own doorstep with their spirituality and really it’s an excellent example of why the message of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the true message let me welcome you the extension of Tariqa Al-Samaneya Gharebiya Hassania through the roomy cave project

I say come again watch this video you will be so pleased you did.

Watch “Rumi’s Cave Our Story!” on YouTube

All you have to do is visit the website and you can begin your spiritual journey click on the link below.


As for those in the United States don’t worry first I start with this message with this video to show you a true Sophie modern master as you know the United States always gets the best they expect nothing less

Watch “Sheikh Nazim Haqqani presented by Atiya Khan” on YouTube

Unfortunately this master is gone back to his Lord but he has left the circle to be strong and made sure that Americans get the Royal treatment with his best student.

It doesn’t matter where you are the circle of the Sufi Masters are everywhere and even the royal family is a fan so the United States and everyone in the United States will definitely find the circle to be much more beneficial than going to the UK and all of that it is better to start where You are and take whatever God make easy for you

Watch “Shaykh Hisham Kabbani” on YouTube

The message to minorities and all the other people who are looking for that blessing and that miracle to remove all this confusion is the answer of Muhammad Ali “If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it–then I can achieve it you have to experience it for yourself you have to take the hand of a teacher experience the blessing of the heirs of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon them.

Watch “A message from Muhammad Ali Malcolm X to minorities / everyone take the hand of blessed people,😇🤲🙏🛐” on YouTube

I promise Americans This is the circle you want it has chapters all over the place you’re going to be dancing you’re going to be exploring us spirituality so I speak to non-muslims specifically Muslims also are welcome but they have to go through psychopath analysis check to make sure they’re not nuts.

You’re really going to enjoy yourself in this circles it’s blessed places that are connected back to the Blessed prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Watch “Burdah Ensemble – Al-Madad, Ya Rasul Allah” on YouTube

So the circle remains strong and those in Canada actually blessed.

Watch “Ramadan Trailer” on YouTube

So you can find everything at the Sufi live website

And to join the circle you can click on this link as well.



Naqshbandi Baya



I want to finish off with my own circle there are many circles and their many teachers majority of the circles are in the about page for the Muslims because if you’re a Muslim this is a journey of excellence if you are not part of a circle I choose to respect you but I also ask you to respect me.

I expect to make the app very soon and I expect to collect data and to analyze people so I can make sure those people who I’m referring to the family of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon them including my own teacher which there will be a huge waiting list and my teacher has a policy of never taking the hands of students who already have teachers so there will be some research and there will be some investigation to make sure people are not jumping from one circle to another causing problems to everyone..

We have the weekend warriors they’re always into whatever is new they don’t want to dedicate themselves and enter a circle learn patience and manners and perfect their character which is something you have to do with all the circles so it doesn’t matter where you start because Allah is the one who controls your destiny it only matters how everything ends.

So I expect to build the app collect data make sure I separate the psychopath and the weekend warriors and make sure I create a permanent ban list to anyone who’s found jumping circles. You will find yourself completely banned from joining any circle anywhere in the world because our records indicate that you dedicate yourself to a circle and then you left or you are missing in action after committing yourself to pursue excellence instead you’re pursuing being a Satan causing problems in the circle.

We don’t need psychopaths and we don’t need people who are jumping circles if you have committed yourself to a teacher and you have violated the trust you will get your name your photo and we will feed it to artificial intelligence so any teacher who’s taking any student will know who you are and what you are about and I can tell you that by the time I’m done programming artificial intelligence in the way I see fit the doors will not even open for you you’ll be going in the door to the dungeon so you can think about your evil actions.

So I want to end with a final message to Muslims in general about the tarika I hope to put the system in place and I will be giving you emails and I will create circles and I will connect them directly back to the profit Muhammad please be upon him so that when you join a circle you know you’re joining the right one not someone making up something without any authority.

So every teacher who’s guided and has received the blessing of our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is either in a circle or has benefited directly in a circle it doesn’t matter what they say somehow some way they connect themselves to the circles of the prophet Muhammad because the prophet is not cut off his knowledge is not cut off his family is not cut off and this religion is not cut off the only people who were cut off on diluted people who don’t have self-respect and understand change is always around the corner and I’m just a rough draft waiting for my teachers to point me the right direction make the proper corrections and benefit from the circle because I have a long way to go.

If you want our help to find a circle and a teacher we hope to bring the book of love accompanying teachers so if you love a teacher you can give you information and we will begin the verification process make sure you’re not a psychopath after you have completed that first layer of security authentication you will be moved to the second where we will send your name to the teacher you requesting. Sometimes there’s a lot of circles on people have the right to make their own circles whatever but our list is going to be approved by blessed situation whoever is on the list is on the list and whoever is not can blame themselves.

I will leave The Door of Hope open to Muslims who are pursuing this mortal excellence with the following video.

Watch “Dua to Find Murshid & How Sufi Tarbiya works – Abdal Hakim Murad” on YouTube

This is my final gift to Muslims.

اللهم دلني على من يدلني عليك، وأوصلني إلى من يوصلني إليك –

O Allah, point me to he who will point me to you, and bring me to he who will bring me to you

It is Allah who guides if you want the truth all you have to do is pray sincerely and repent for your actions that has the resulted in attacking the prophet Muhammad and the messages of Islam to the point where the prophet of Islam is mentioned with terrorism and hatred even though he spent all his life undoing hate and creating a peaceful society how we can all coexist. We are the Muslims are responsible for the chaos that has taken place no one has taken responsibility for the problems we as Muslims face we’re all pointing fingers including me had I stop pointing fingers long time ago I’m just giving it my best I would have reached this place I am long time ago unfortunately I’m all suffering with my own ego anger issues and all kind of problems so it is not advised for you to reach out to me unless you want to get the Marine experience or the correctional officer experience you’re going to be rejected many times you will be sent to other schools first to land manners and discipline.

This is about pursuing excellence if you have put in the time you’ve already joined the circle you have letter of recommendation everything is polished then send me an email.

To those who are new or have never joined any circle and went to join my circle and my teachers and you have reviewed every other circle and we are the last one and you understand you’ll be put on a waiting list then send me an email you must not have joined any circle of any teachers that requirement if you have joined a teacher or a circle you need to mention it an articulate why you are sending me an email because I will put you on the list maybe a 10 year band this one has no manners.

So this is a warning don’t send that email because I’m going to have your name and I’m going to make sure I put you in my blacklist where all teachers will have a list of people who jump around circles cause problems.

Allah knows best and your intentions fear nothing but Allah if you’re looking for the circle and you’re trying to find my circle and my teachers send me an email I will redirect you to the correct place if you are trying to do any funny business I will give you the runaround.

So if you’re a student seeking the path here is the Gmail account send me an email and I will help you with whatever I can to the best of my ability.


Thank you for reading this this is the invitation to the people of the world to join the circle especially the non-muslims who are decent and hard-working people who just want to experience some blessing and light and enjoyment for the soul and what Islam has to offer which is the main point here and for the Muslims yes there was a lot for you here but I personally have given up on Muslims in general because they’re always arguing and I never associate myself with people who are arguing and this is really the heart of my problem.

mureeds who are senior in their circles and there’s evidence of them on YouTube or any video engaging in a debate or argument of any kind I will seek to demote them permanently.

When did argument lead to guidance?

It doesn’t matter if it’s a debate of any kind this is something I will ask my teachers not to interfere with because demotions are handed to people who never listen you do not debate with anyone about the truth it is Allah who guides my blessed teacher is eminence has made this very crystal clear in his speeches and this goes to all the other teachers if there’s a student and they have chosen to engage in a debate to discover the truth they will be on a permanent emotionless and they will never come out it’s like entering the grave I want people there is no room for argument in this religion it is Allah who guides and anybody who is in a circle and is engaged in this behavior there’s no forgiveness or overlooking you this is a no no go area and if you have entered this cave I will bury you alive in there so help me God.

With that I want to end this because argumentation is unacceptable people have a right to choice you presented with him in the message you choose to take it or leave it those who have taken it to have taken it those who have left it have left it but there is no argumentation or debates of any kind in my opinion but I could also be wrong I always open to the room and door for me to be convinced that arguing and debating and refusing to follow instructions of teachers is acceptable as long as the teachers say it’s acceptable I’m going to work with them but I will never be happy with that.

I will end by just repeating what I said in the beginning.

But first I will leave you some videos and some works that you should be expecting from me and my team to make this process easy within these two videos you should find all the guidance you need.

Watch “Qasida Muhammadiyyah by Sheikh Alawi al-Malikiالقصيدة المحمدية بقلم الشيخ العلوي المالكي” on YouTube

Watch “The poem that will journey your heart to messger of Allah 💞(saw) 💞Salawatun Tayyibatun صلوات طيبات” ” on YouTube

In Conclusion

Invitation is extended to everyone on the planet those who have definitely seen the blessing and mercy of Islam through the ttrue teaching of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Prophet Muhammad was a true prophet and his message is pure and could never be corrupted those who work night and day to try to corrupt his message and display different Islam that he brought are doomed to fail because this prophet Muhammad peace be upon him brought no evil of any kind he came to communities that were divided filled with hate and they were governed by the rules of the jungle the strong was always praying on the week manipulations and lying and abusive any kind was all good to go in the society.

I’m sure you will find a lot of information about my blessed prohet Muhammad on this website I will conclude a message to my fellow Americans.

Watch “Karen Armstrong On the Meaning of Dialogue – My Fellow American” on YouTube

Watch “Prophet Muhammad comes in dreams in support of the Tariqa gives words ofpoetry in support to Tariqa” on YouTube


My fellow Americans thank you for reading this and to everybody else God bless you.


 waalaikumsalamwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh to my blessed family and

To everyone around the world

May there peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you all People of planet Earth.
